Village of Argyle, New York

Argyle photo by Darren Smith

Welcome to the Village of Argyle, New York, in Washington County

Argyle Village logo

The Village of Argyle, New York, in the Town of Argyle, is named after Argyll shire, Scotland (now Argyll and Bute, Scotland). Many of the original setters came from Scotland and settled here in the mid-1700s. German, Irish, Dutch and Polish settlers were also attracted to this area. The 1800s found Argyle residents active in the Underground Railroad and abolitionist movement. The Moses Kill provided waterpower for mills in the village. The early 1900s brought a library and running water to residents, who proudly served their country in times of war. Today, Argyle Village is considered home by the descendants of these folks and newcomers alike. In 2014, the town and village of Argyle celebrated their 250th birthdays.

Bulletin board

Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) Project Outline: Click the link to read about this project for the village.

Click the link to see the latest regulations governing the use of outdoor wood boilers.

Local Law #1 of 2005 and Local Law #1 of 2007 (sidewalk law) have been posted in the "Regulations, laws, and variance applications" section of the Document Archive.

Review the minutes of the public hearing regarding Argyle Village sewer upgrade needs here: Hearing minutes.

Village board

Darren Smith, Mayor

Joyann Stimpson, clerk

Garry Robinson, water comm.

Ian Hamilton, Trustee

Joy MacKenzie, Trustee

Tony Montello, Trustee

Faith St.John, Trustee

Click here to contact the board

Board meetings

Village Board meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 5:30 P.M. at the Argyle firehouse

Village news


2022 (pdf)

Village budget:

2021-2022 (pdf)

Board minutes:

01-08 (pdf)
02-12 (pdf)
03-04 (pdf)
04-01 (pdf)
05-06 (pdf)
06-03 (pdf)
07-01 (pdf)
08-12 (pdf)
09-02 (pdf)
10-07 (pdf)
11-04 (pdf)
12-07 (pdf)

01-06 (pdf)

Assessor's report:

2021 (pdf)

Water Comm. report:

2023 (pdf)

Water rules & regs:

2016 (pdf)

Document archive
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